'Adapting communities to climate change'

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Wetlands, estuaries, and coastal areas

Wetlands, estuaries, and coastal areas, are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Already pressured by human activity, these ecosystems are now further stressed by rising sea-levels, more erratic streamflow, increased water temperature, altered geochemistry, and a more extreme storm surge. Protecting these sites must be a high priority for communities.

Syntectic International was the Region I selection for the EPA's Climate Ready Estuaries pilot program (report available on request). Our experts quantify local-scale risks to specific aquatic resources, and work with stakeholders to develop strategies, plans, timelines, and resource requirements for minimizing the impacts of climate change.

Adaptation options include the reduction of anthropogenic stresses, allowing for inland migration of coastal wetlands as sea-level rises, active management to preserve wetland hydrology, and other structural, policy, and restoration options.
